Adjustable Length Plastic Seals

  • S Pull 1
    S Pull 1 - Yellow - Serial Numbered (1000 Unit Carton)
    354 mm Length
  • S Pull II
    S Pull II - Yellow - Serial Numbered (1000 Unit Carton)
    255 mm Length
  • Speed Seal
    Speed Seal - Yellow - Serial Numbered - Tear Line (1000 Unit Carton)
    380 mm Length
  • Harcor Pulltight 2
    Harcor Pulltight 2 - Yellow  - Stock Numbered (1000 Unit Carton)
    300 mm Length
  • SKY300 Pull UP Seal
    Pull UP Seal
    350 mm Length
  • Plastic Pulltight V2 Seal
    Plastic Pulltight V2 - Yellow / Numbered (1000 Unit Carton)
    238 mm Length
  • S Grip
    S Grip Yellow
    255 mm or 405 mm Length

Why Polypropylene is the preferred material used when manufacturing plastic security seals.

Polypropylene is a thermoplastic polymer and is an ideal material to use when manufacturing plastic seals. The main reason for this is that the material warps and burns easily when heated in contrast to other plastics such as Nylon. If an attempt is made to tamper with the security seal and reattach two parts of the tail via a heating method the tampering would be clearly visible.

Tamper Visible Security Seals

Plastic Seal Installation Recommendations

Harcor plastic seals are serial numbered. These serial numbers serve as a unique identifier. Harcor recommend having a procedure in place to record the numbers prior to use and removal. The plastic security seals should be stored in a safe location when unused. The plastic security seals include tamper evident (sometimes arguably referred to as tamper proof) features. These features could include material blushing when manipulated. All seals should be inspected for tampering before removal.

Numbered Security Seals

Plastic Security Seal Specialists!

Plastic seals from Harcor offer reliable security and flexibility. With so many varied sealing applications appearing these days, adjustable plastic seals have become the most adaptable security sealing solution. Harcor stock an impressive range of plastic seals that can be custom printed. In addition to being the leading supplier of security seals, Harcor have designed and manufactured an assortment of seals to meet local requirements. The Cashier Seal is a prime example of Harcor's in-house design and manufacture capabilities

Browse our full plastic security seal collection or view our adjustable range below.

Plastic Security Seals