For those that are looking for security seals that are easy to remove by hand and offers reliable tamper evident security, go to our comprehensive Easy Break Seals product collection. With the vast number of security seals available today, it is important to know what makes one security seal style different to another.
Before, diving into the different seal styles, it is essential to note that a vital security component, common among all the different styles is numbering. Security seal numbering must be unique in order to identify the security seal.

Harcor’s leadership position in the Australian security market is in part due the propriety system developed to protect millions of security seals against serial number duplication. The system also enables fast serial numbering and tracking. Harcor continue to invest in both hardware and software, such as Exact & Track, to maintain its reputation for unparalleled reliability.
Many of the security seal styles listed below have a print area that can be used for branding. Harcor established the first, and to their knowledge, the only dedicated security seal printing service in Australia. The local printing operations includes both thermal transfer and hot foil stamping.

A minimum quality and additional changes are normally applicable for custom printing. Please contact the team for more information and professional advice, if you are considering having security seals stamped with a logo, barcodes or anything else.
Without further ado, here are the list of security seal styles available:
Adjustable Length Plastic Seals
Also known as pull-tight seals, the vast majority of these security seals are self-locking. The user simply inserts the tail of the seal through the chambers opening. The seal tail is then pulled though the chamber, locking the seal’s tail in place. The sealing position is adjustable and the user can easily fasten the seal to the desired locking position. It is important to know that the seal’s tail cannot be not be loosened. This is due to the seal’s tail locking in place when threading it through its chamber.
Bag Security Seals
These seals are used to seal a variety of tamper evident bags. The bags house a security chamber that suits a specific bag seal. These seals are quickly inserted into the bag’s security chamber by hand. The seal must be removed to access the bag’s contents. With multiple colour and bar code options, managing bag sealing could not be easier. To Harcor’s knowledge they are the only business that is setup to print on these styles of seals locally.
Bar Seals
These seals fall in the barrier seal category. The seals are often found on containers that are used to move high value cargo. The seal is affixed to the container's keeper bars by hand. This stops the doors from swinging open and locks the handle in place. Many of the bar seals available, incorporate a bolt or cable seal into the design to lock the handle in place. A special tool is required for removal of a bar seal such as an angle grinder.
Bolt Seals
The seal is applied by inserting the shaft of the bolt seal into a locking case by hand. Some bot seals are sold in a single mould, the locking case is separated from the seal body before use. Bolt seals are classified as barrier seals, requiring tools such as bolt cutters for removal. The majority of seals available from Harcor are ISO 17712 and C-TPAT-compliant. The ISO 17712 standard is relevant for those shipping internationally.
Cable Seals
Very high strength security seals that are easily applied. The cable end is placed through the locking chambers opening to start the sealing process. The seals are all self-locking except the S204 seal that uses a key for sealing (included with each seal) popular with the Australian banking industry. The cable is fastened by hand until the desired sealing point is reached. A tool such as cable cutters is required for removal. The FlexiGrip cables seals that have a diameter greater than 3.25mm are C-TPAT (ISO 17712:2013) compliant, for international shipping applications.
Fixed Length Seals
These seals are also known as strap seals, truck seals and car box seals. They are made from plastic or metal. The locking point of this style of seal is fixed in a single position. To secure, the user inserts the end of the seal into its locking chamber found at the head. This seal type is extremely popular for road freight. This due to the robust design of the seal as a result of its width. Application is done by hand and removal will depend on the seal’s material. For example, plastic seals are often removed with a basic cutting tool versus a metal seal that is removed with a tool usually used to cut sheet metal like tin snips.
Meter Seals
Security seals designed especially for sealing electricity, gas and water meters. The seals are available in different shapes and sizes. Some styles are sealed via hand and others use a sealing press. The sealing press dies are uniquely engraved for identification purposes. The Harcor sealing press dies can be engraved with up to 4 characters per line. Removal of the seal will depend on the style of seal selected. The Tool Less Roto Seal for example is sealed via threading a wire though the seal’s orifice and rotating the seal’s tab by hand. To remove the seal a wire cutter is used.
Padlock Seals
These seals resemble padlocks. Unlike padlocks that are opened and closed without leaving evidence of the occurrence, padlock seals are tamper evident and don’t require a key for removal. Two common padlock seal styles are available. The first is the metal hasp style that is locked by pushing the hasp into the seal’s body. Removal requires a cutting tool such as wire cutters. The other padlock seal style is ideal for one-handed applications. Simply squeezing a spring like polypropylene arm, inserts the seal’s locking head in the locking chamber. Removal will depend on the seal’s design. The cabin seal can be removed by hand, others could require a scissors.
Security Labels and Tapes
Available in a wide assortment of shapes and sizes, these labels and tapes show tamper evidence when removed. Many different styles are available such as the HR (Harcor Residue) label. It displays void/open text on the applied surface and the label face when removed. This is in contrast to the HNR (Harcor Non-Residue) label, that only shows a void/open on the label face. Product packaging and items that carry a warranty tends to be secured with labels that leave a visible void open/message on the applied surface. Surfaces that are regularly reused such as a resuscitation trolley drawer for example use a non-residue label to alert staff that the draw could require restocking. This is easily seen if the label face shows an open message or a label is not present.