Sealing Tautliners

  • Truck Seal V2
    Truck Seal V2
    189 mm Length
  • Truck Seal
    Truck Seal - Numbered - White (1000 Unit Carton)
    189 mm Length
  • S204 Breakaway Cable Seal
    S204 Breakaway Cable Seal
    1.8 mm Diameter / 300 mm Length
  • Eco Bolt Seal
    Eco Bolt Seal - Serial Numbered - White (60 Unit Pack)

A full range of security seals are available for sealing tautliners. Harcor also supply custom printed tautliner security seal sets. Instead of each seal’s serial number being unique, each seal set has a unique serial number.

The sealing sets are used to speed up administration and inspection of tautliner buckles or any logistic application with multiple sealing points. Frequently, Harcor is asked to supply set of 9 tautliner buckles seals, however any quantity can be selected. Before unloading a shipment, checking that the tautliner sealing numbers match, is now a standard practice for many logistic clients.

The wide range of seal colours available have also been used by clients to identify different shipment types. Contact the team today for the best advice on a wide range of logistic sealing applications.