Covert Authentication (Security Seal Example)
Covert Authentication

Covert Authentication (Security Seal Example)

Harcor Covert Authentication technology is applied to security seals.
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The technologies can be applied via conventional hot stamping.

Core Specifications


Counterfeit security
  • Harcor Warranty
  • Custom Printing
  • Custom Design

Product Details

There are no changes required to the thermal stamping machines or process. The technology transfers automatically during stamping.

Covert Authentication Examples:

  • Audible Infra Red Reader


The reader will beep when the HCA inclusion is detected.


  • IR Laser Pen


HCA product can be authenticated by Infrared (IR) Laser in a range of 940 – 980nm (invisible to the human eyes),HCA Foil will convert IR light to visible light when stimulated.


  • Document Examination Equipment


HCA inclusion can be authenticated with forensic laboratory equipment that has Infrared light illumination capability for Anti-Stokes feature.