Sealock SU2013

Sealock SU2013

Made of 51 mm wide steel that is 6 mm thick, the Sealock Model SU2013 Container Seal requires two cuts and two tools to remove.
See Product Detail

The need for both a power cutting tool such as an angle grinder and a cable cutter prevents break-ins by thieves who generally do not carry such sophisticated tools with them.

Core Specifications


Sealing containers
  • Harcor Warranty

Product Details


  • U-Bar constructed of high-grade carbon alloy spring steel 50CrV4 which is heat-treated and hardened to Rockwell standard HRC45.
  • 50CrV4 is a fine grained, highly abrasion resistant carbon - chromium alloy steel. Very good shock resistance and toughness are also key properties of this alloy in the heat-treated condition.
  • White baked on enamel finish, markings engraved in 510 mm x 45 mm U-Bar.
  • Numbered steel braided aircraft cable with bullet tip is an integral part of the locking system. (U.S. Patent No. 6,331,022)
  • 375 mm braided cable frays when cut.
  • Same numerical sequence appears on all three components for added security.
  • Lighter in weight and yet stronger than all previous models.
  • Designed to fit most Swing Door Conveyances.
  • C-TPAT compliant (ISO 17712:2013 Classification).


Super tough high grade carbon steel alloy bar with a patented braided cable seal. The lock is made of aluminium alloy with surface oxidation.

Carton (10 Units)

Weight: 33 kg

Strength Characteristics

Load Force Minimum (Nm) 88.9
Load Force Maximum (Nm) 133.4
Average (Nm) 111.1

Container Seal Custom Options

Heat or cold stamped with seven alphanumeric characters.
Characters are 5 mm in height.