Spotlight on Harcor's local bag manufacturing process

In this article I wanted to provide some information on the local manufacturing process of some of Harcor's bags. A variety of bags are manufactured at Harcor in Melbourne, under the watchful eye of Donna Suttcliffe. Donna and the Harcor team have been responsible for hundreds of tamper evident and standard commercial bag designs, that perfectly meet aesthetic and functional client requirements.

Bag Manufacturer Example

To get better insight into the manufacturing process, I asked Donna a few questions.

As Harcor bag samples are made by hand and precision is critical, what part of the process do you believe is most challenging and why?

The cutting out of the sample bags would have to be the most critical. If I don’t cut the bag out exactly according to the specifications, there is no way the bag will come together when sewn.

When creating bag samples for clients, what type of information is normally required?

Information such as what the client is going to be using the bag for, what weight the bag will be holding. These questions and more must be known before making the sample, then I can determine if the bag needs to be made out of heavy duty fabric, have reinforced handles etc.

What material do you believe is the most versatile when manufacturing?

I believe AK420 PVC is one of the best fabrics I work with when making our bags. It is a light weight PVC but very durable. It also comes in a variety of colours

Is there a difference in the manufacture process of commercial bags versus security bags and if yes what?

Both bags are made very much the same, except our security bags have tamper evident chambers and double stitched seams for added security.

From the bags that you have been asked to create, which bags stands out the most and why?

I would have to say the sample bags I create are the ones that stand out the most. I enjoy the challenge of getting the specs for a sample bag I have not made before, cutting it out, sewing it together and seeing the finished product.

If you are looking to have a standard style of bag manufactured or something out of the ordinary, contact Harcor for assistance and professional advice.